A Perfect Mango

I ate a perfect mango the other day.  And I'm sure I'll never have another like it....

It started at the store.  Nearly lunch time and I'm pretty hungry.  As I walk through the fresh produce section I notice some unusually large and perfectly ripe mangoes.  About 6 large ones and dozens of miserably small ones.  They were sold on a per item basis so it was unusual to find these large ones as they are extremely good value.  That's when I noticed they were quite cold and starting to 'sweat' a little.  Which means they were recently brought out of refrigeration.  That explained why they were there.  I was in the right place at the right time.

Upon bringing two of them to the counter in hand I requested that the cashier not bag them.  I continued to hold them as she only needed their variety (R2E2) and not their weight.  They were unblemished and I intended to keep them that way.  They rode home on the cushioned seat next to me.  No hard surfaces for these puppies.

I and my family returned home and after putting my two year old down for a nap I was now in the 'peaceful' region of my Saturday afternoon.  It was a stinking hot day so we turned on the air-conditioner to help the little one sleep.  Ahhh... sweet relief.

And so it was time for mango.  I'd never had anything like it.  It was delicious.  Perfectly ripe and unblemished.  There was plenty of it and I was unusually hungry.  I'd happened across it by fluke and was now enjoying it amid the combined sweet relief from the heat and my lovable but energy sapping daughter.  Only after finishing did it fully dawn on me why I had enjoyed it so much.

I doubt this will ever happen again.


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