TiVo Recording To Playable DVD (on Linux)

How to create DVDs from TiVo recordings using Ubuntu Linux.


Before you start:
  1. Obtain the Media Access Key for your TiVo device
  2. Obtain the IP address of your TiVo device (e.g. from you network router)
  3. Install DeVeDe application
  4. Install Avidemux application (optional) ...[updated to GOPchop]
  5. Download and install the TiVo File Decoder utility

Transfer Files

Transfer the specially encoded files from the TiVo device to your computer. 
  1. Use a browser to navigate to your TiVo device address on the https protocol (e.g.
  2. Login with User Name 'tivo' and the Media Access Key as the Password
  3. Download the MPEG-PS file of your desired recording(s)
Note: The downloads appear to be throttled and the service on the device can crash if not treated nicely.  Downloading one item at a time and having a pause between downloads seems to work.  If the service crashes you'll need to reboot the TiVo.

Note 2: My device (in Australia) has the following message at bottom of the page.  'The TiVo license agreement allows you to transfer content to up to ten devices within your household, but not outside your household.'  Please handle your recordings responsibly.

Decode Files

Files need to be decoded using your Media Access Key.  Once the TiVo File Decoder is installed on your machine:
  1. Create a file ~/.tivodecode_mak containing your Media Access Key (so you don't have to type it into the command line)
  2. Use command line like .../tivodecode -o 'Xxx.mpeg.raw' 'Xxx.TiVo'
The resulting file should now be viewable in Movie Player.  If you're satisfied delete the source Xxx.TiVo file to conserve disk space.

Trim Down Recording (optional)

[UPDATE]  GOPchop is a better option as it requires no re-encoding making it faster and better quality.

To save space trim off the excess recording at the start and finish using Avidemux video editor (eg. small childrens programs can have an extra 10 minutes on the end).
  1. Open the 'Xxx.mpeg.raw' file with Avidemux (opt in to the indexing)
  2. Find the desired start and mark the 'A' point
  3. Mark a test end point 'B' a few minutes later
  4. Save the file to 'test.mpeg'
  5. Test the sound (it is always lagging the video for me)
  6. If necessary add a negative value to the 'Audio | Shift' field in Avidemux, re-save and retest
  7. Mark the real end point 'B' and then save as 'Xxx.mpeg'
  8. Repeat for other files

Burn To DVD/CD

Make your recordings more accessible by creating a DVD or Video CD.
  1. Open DeVeDe and create a Video DVD (or other type)
  2. Set default to PAL if necessary
  3. Add a title for each file you want to add and add the file to it
  4. .. Prefixing with a number is useful eg. '1) Xxx'
  5. .. Make sure you choose 'Play the next title'
  6. Find a suitable background image for the menu (it is worth it)
  7. Preview the menu
  8. Save and create the ISO image
  9. Burn the ISO image to disc using, say, Brasero
  10. Mark the disc using an approved marker ;)


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